Sunday, April 12, 2015

Attachment: Why it's crucial for your baby

  • Why attachment is important??
From the moment they arrive, babies are ready to teach us what they need.

  • Won't I spoil my child? 

Do you want your baby to be happy? Of course! But it's hard to know where to draw the line sometimes.

  • The attachment theory
To understand why, it helps to know a bit about what's called attachment theory. All infants naturally attach to their primary caregivers, even to adults who are less nurturing.

  • What happens if your baby doesn't connect with you?
About 35 percent of babies form unhealthy, insecure attachments. In their young minds, it's not clear that their parents will come through for them.

  • You can make a difference
Most scientists believe that what makes the difference between healthy and unhealthy attachment is the parent's response.

  • Why the first year is key?
This kind of attention is especially important during the first year because that's when the brain is growing the fastest.

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