Sunday, May 17, 2015

How to Raise a Child Who Loves to Read

Teaching your child to read starts in the womb. Let the fetus listen to Western Classical music by placing headphones against your tummy - Classical Symphonies have a highly beneficial effect on the forming mind.

Purchase or borrow other media. Reading sources such as magazines, newspapers, etc., are another way to interest your child in reading.

Give books as presents. Books are ideal gifts for birthdays, holidays, Christmas, traveling, as rewards, etc.

Teach your child to respect and love books. If you can teach children to see books as their lifelong friends, they'll have innate respect for them.

Spend time in the library together as a regular outing. Let your child choose favorite books to read and borrow, and encourage your child to explore the library and enjoy all of the activities it offers.

Teach your child about famous writers, actors and characters who are in books, or who write classic books.

Read often and your child will mimic you.

Pay attention to your child's changing interests. As your child gets older, pay attention to subjects that interest your tween or teen.

Maintain a regime for reading but be spontaneous. If your child wants to read at night before bed, let them read for a time limit and then lights out.

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