Sunday, November 1, 2015

Reasons Why Music Is So Important For Toddlers' Development

Whether it’s listening, dancing, singing or all of the above, we try to have lots of music opportunities in our house on a daily basis.
It’s a good thing. It often puts the kids in a great mood, and as it turns out, it’s also brain food!
Here are some reasons why music should be a daily part of your toddlers’ lives!
1. It increases their sensory development: Hearing a variety of sounds allows them to make more connections in their brains.
2. It’s a mood lifter:  Is your toddler having a tantrum? Music could help turn that around.
3. Music can be soothing: Right before bedtime, try turning on some relaxing music to set the tone that it’s time to wind down.
4. Music helps build literacy:  Songs introduce kids to a variety of words, thus increasing their vocabulary. It also helps them to learn letters and numbers.
5. Music builds rhythm and develops coordination. Need I say, more?

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