Monday, February 2, 2015

Child learning difficulties - Important advice and tips for parents

What are some common causes of learning difficulties?

Learning difficulties can be related to:

1. Developmental delay – for example, children who learn to speak at a later age may continue to have communication problems at school;
2. Motor difficulties – for example, fine motor issues affecting the child’s writing skills;
3. Emotional disturbance or trauma –the experience of natural disasters, death or separation in the family can affect a child’s learning;

What kinds of recommendations or strategies will I be given?

1. Environmental strategies, such as ensuring there is a quiet area for learning and working that is away from distractions;
2. Adjusting workloads and time frames to ensure children have adequate time to absorb information;
3. Adjusting assessment formats, such as oral examinations;
4. Use of assistive technology;
5. Personal development – promoting motivation & persistence;
6. Development of non-academic areas, such as sports, art or music – this will provide the individual with a feeling of competence and promote self-esteem;
7. Targeting non-academic difficulties such as disruptive behavior, social difficulties or emotional problems.
8. You should be wary of interventions that lack evidence. There are a number of treatments for learning disorders that are claimed to be effective but have no research evidence supporting them
9. You should receive practical tools and tips to help your child that can be easily implemented. 

These can include specific programs or tutoring agencies to use, computer learning tools and apps, as well as books and activities.

You are welcome to contact us to discuss your child’s learning or developmental needs.

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