Sunday, May 3, 2015

Easy Ways to Be a Fantastic Parent

  • Take charge. Children crave limits, which help them understand and manage an often confusing world.  
  • Don't clip your child's wings. Your toddler's mission in life is to gain independence.
  • Don't try to fix everything. Give young kids a chance to find their own solutions. 
  • When you lovingly acknowledge a child's minor frustrations without immediately rushing in to save her, you teach her self-reliance and resilience.
  • Remember that discipline is not punishment. Enforcing limits is really about teaching kids how to behave in the world and helping them to become competent, caring, and in control.
  • Pick your battles. Kids can't absorb too many rules without turning off completely. 
  • Forget arguing about little stuff like fashion choices and occasional potty language. 
  • Focus on the things that really matter -- that means no hitting, rude talk, or lying.
  • Play with your children. Let them choose the activity, and don't worry about rules.
  •  Just go with the flow and have fun. That's the name of the game.
  • Read books together every day.
  • Schedule daily special time.
  • Encourage daddy time.
  • Make warm memories.  

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