Sunday, June 21, 2015

Pregnancy Stretches to Relieve Tension

Five Easy Stretches
These exercises target the muscles most affected by pregnancy — calf and chest, upper and lower back, and hips — and ease common pregnancy discomforts. The exercises can be done in any order, and you can do them postpartum, too.

How to do the stretches:
Hold each stretch to a point of mild tension for about eight to 10 seconds, then release. Repeat each stretch three times. Each time you stretch, go a little farther, as long as you are comfortable and there is no pain. Don’t bounce. Each time you release, take a breath, then exhale as you get back into the stretch.

Frequency: Do this program four to five times per week or whenever you feel the need to stretch.

Total Back Stretch Stand arm’s distance from a door jamb or pole. Place your hands on either side of the jamb at chest height, arms extended and palms facing in. Feet should be slightly wider than hip-width apart, knees relaxed. Bend knees slowly as you drop your chin toward your chest and round your spine out and up toward the sky, tilting your tailbone under to stretch your back fully. Inhale and “send” the breath into your back. Pull belly inward and away from the jamb at the same time, expanding your back as much as you can. Hold, then exhale, continuing to round your spine up and out of the arch, straightening legs to return to starting position. Stretches back; relieves tension in the back, neck and shoulders.

Side Stretch Stand with your right side to a door jamb or pole, and cross your right foot over your left. Keep your legs straight and knees relaxed. Place your right hand on the jamb at shoulder height, elbow bent and left hand on the jamb above your head, left arm straight and shoulders relaxed. Contract the abdominals and begin to pull your body away from the jamb so you feel a stretch on the left side of your torso. When you can’t pull your arms away any farther, bend your knees, and push your left hip out even farther to complete the stretch. Keep abdominals contracted and head aligned with spine. Straighten legs and release. Change position and stretch left side. Stretches back, rear shoulder, side abdominals, upper hip and hip rotators; relieves sciatica and tension in arms, shoulders and lower back.

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